Flashlight on Clap 2023

by AppDreams Media



Flash Light on Clap 2023:Turn your phone into LED flashlight. Here is an amazing application in the play store to turn ON/OFF your phone’s flashlight by clapping.Flash Light Features:Flash on ClapJust Tap and Turn on “Flash service” that’s it, whenever you clap you will see the flashlight glowing.Flash on SwitchJust Swipe down to turn on “Flash on switch” to turn on the flashlight, and to Swipe up to turn off the flashlight.Flash on ShakeJust Shake the mobile to Switch on Flashlight.You can control the shake sensitivity.Flash on ScreenYour mobile screen will change as led light, when you tap on this switch.Other Features include:Free and friendly to use.Easy & effective.Mobile’s flashlight will be glowing as LED torch light.This app "FlashLight on Clap 2023" Completely free to Download.